We provide specialist compulsory purchase and strategic land advice to developers, landowners and occupiers; our team’s experience includes difficult or complex valuation situations such as ransom positions and rights of light.
Our property advisers have a breadth of experience across the UK which means that we are well placed in dealing with Local Planning Authorities and other decision making bodies.
Our highly experienced team of Chartered Surveyors provide expert multidisciplinary advice on Site Assembly, Compulsory Purchase Orders (CPO) and Compulsory Purchase Compensation. Our specialist team advise developers assembling sites, public authorities using statutory powers of Compulsory Purchase, representing those who are affected by a CPO as well as those who oppose one.
We represent both developers and acquiring authorities, providing strategic advice on every stage of the land assembly process from private treaty acquisitions through to the making and execution of a Compulsory Purchase Order. DWD represent property owners and occupiers of all classes of property and have the expertise to guide claimants through the complicated process of Compulsory Purchase and provide strategic advice in order to maximise the value of your interest.
Our simple goal is to achieve the best possible outcome for you whether that is objecting to a CPO, seeking modification of a proposed scheme to exclude your property, or preparing a detailed valuation and negotiating the highest possible price or claim for compensation for the loss of your interest.
DWD act for owners across all sectors and uses who wish to sell their property. We specialise in selling land and buildings which have development potential and we have a track record of achieving considerable value uplift. Our combined planning and valuation expertise enable us to understand the true value of property and thus ensure our clients achieve the best possible outcome on disposal of a property asset, whether it is securing planning consent prior to disposal or selling subject to planning permission being achieved.
Our experienced lease advisory team are engaged with all aspects of Landlord and Tenant matters; by thoroughly understanding market conditions, the lease and physical qualities of the building and location are essential to advise on rental value, strategy and to negotiate the best possible terms.