Phase 1C, Brent Cross Cricklewood Regeneration
In April 2019 DWD received the approval of reserved matters for 352 residential units within Phase 1C of the Brent Cross Cricklewood regeneration area on behalf of Argent Related.
The application sought the approval of details relating to the layout, scale, appearance, access and landscaping of a residential-led mixed use development (known as ‘Plot 11’) comprising 352 residential units, flexible retail (Use Classes A1/A3) and a Neighbourhood Police Unit on the ground floor, a basement with undercroft car parking, cycle parking, refuse storage and plant will be provided beneath two buildings that will range in height from 8 to 13 storeys. The buildings will be arranged around a private courtyard and a publicly accessible ‘Court’ area that will provide an east-west route between the two buildings.
The proposed development was informed by extensive pre-application discussion with officers at the London Borough of Barnet. The proposed buildings are the result of a design-led approach, combining a layout that maximises the efficient use of the site with a genuine mix of compatible uses, and a scale and massing that responds successfully to the emerging townscape in the local area.
For more information on the project please contact Andrew Deller or Sarah Price