Laura Tinker

Associate Diretor - Planning
020 3327 6288

Laura is a chartered town planner with over nine years’ experience. She joined DWD in 2021, having previously worked in the public and private sectors.

Laura has experience across both the Town and Country Planning Act (1990) and the Planning Act (2008), preparing and managing a range of planning applications.

For the past five years Laura has had a particular focus on nationally significant infrastructure projects, and has worked on their preparation, submission, examination and delivery. Laura has been involved in drafting Planning Statements and Needs Cases for DCO applications as well as the project management of multi-disciplinary teams during the submission, pre-examination, and examination stages.


Infrastructure & Energy


Development Consent Orders (DCO)

Planning Consultants

Preparing, submitting and negotiating planning applications

Stakeholder and Community Consultations

Related Projects