Hannah Thomas-Davies
Hannah has over 11 years experience advising on UK planning matters with knowledge of a range of sectors including; large-scale warehouses, urban extensions and energy infrastructure projects.
She joined DWD in January 2017 having previously worked within private consultancies in London and Bristol.
Hannah has experience managing the process to make applications for Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects through Development Consent Orders and varying applications under S36C of the Electricity Act. She coordinates with technical specialists the delivery of Environmental Statements to comply with the Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations. She has experience managing applications promoting new technologies such as electric vehicle charging hubs.
Hannah is involved in all aspects of the planning process from the provision of commercially focused initial planning advice and undertaking planning appraisals, preparing and submitting planning applications and negotiating with Local Planning Authorities post-submission to secure the best results for her clients.
Hannah is also experienced at preparing retail impact assessments to support applications for retail development. She has previously advised on planning matters for a new terminal at Heathrow Airport, where she assisted with the consultation and DCO application process.
Distribution & Industrial
Infrastructure & Energy
Mixed Use
Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA)
Planning Conditions
Planning Consultants
Preparing, submitting and negotiating planning applications
Retail Impact Assessments
S36 of the Electricity Act 1989 variations
Strategic Planning and Feasibility Advice
SG Smith Properties
InterGen (UK) Ltd
Canmoor Asset Management Ltd
Arora Group
Infinium Logistics