Rochester Independent College, Rochester
DWD engaged with Medway Council in pre-application discussions and worked closely with the project architects to develop the proposals. Careful consideration was given to the building’s design, heritage significance and the site’s context. The site is located in the Star Hill to Sun Pier Conservation Area and the existing buildings on the site are non-designated heritage assets, including the former Missions to Seamen Institute and the former A.F Smith and Sons building.
The proposed development which planning permission was secured for comprises of the partial demolition of existing buildings, conversion of the building fronting the High Street and construction of a 4 storey building at the rear of the site, together with parking and amenity space. The development will provide student accommodation comprising 85 bedrooms and ancillary study and dining space for students.
DWD has subsequently been appointed by the project contractors to provide planning advice, including discharging planning conditions and securing amendments to the scheme.