Camden, Estate Regeneration
DWD has acted for Camden Council in relation to a number of projects within their 15 year Community Investment Programme (CIP).
This has included the Bacton Low Rise Estate redevelopment for 290 residential units, employment floorspace (Use Class B1) and new open space. Sarah Price co-ordinated a multi-disciplinary team of consultants to prepare and manage a detailed planning application which was granted planning permission in 2013. The application involved complex planning issues, including intensification of development, preservation of the setting of a nearby listed building (the Grade I listed St Martin’s Church), affordable housing provision, the provision of replacement employment floorspace and managing relationships with the local community.
Phase 1 of Bacton Low Rise is now built out and occupied by the first residents and won Building Magazine Housing Project of the Year 2016. It is also among the Guardian’s Top 10 buildings of 2016.
Sarah Price also acted for Camden in relation to two smaller estate regeneration projects at Maitland Park and Kiln Place.
DWD are currently acting for Camden Council in relation to the development of the Tybalds Estate to provide up to 43 units through infill development, together with public realm improvements.