DWD has secured planning permission on behalf of Big Yellow Self Storage Company Limited for the redevelopment of a 2 acre site at Staples Corner, Brent Cross within the London Borough of Barnet.
The scheme comprises of the redevelopment of the existing car dealership on the northern side of the Staples Corner West roundabout, to provide a self-storage facility. The development comprises of a six-storey building that will provide a total of up to approximately 17,600 sqm of self-storage floorspace. The development also includes externally accessible storage units, to support business customers.
DWD engaged in pre- application discussions with the London Borough of Barnet ahead of the submission of a full planning application. Key matters considered in advance of and during the determination period were the building’s design, transport and highways.
Planning permission was granted by delegated decision following completion of the S106 legal agreement in October 2024.